Joan Egurrola

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Directions Magazine Editorial Joan Egurrola Sandbox Guam

Directions Magazine
JOAN P. EGURROLAProfile Directions MagazineMixed-Media Artist and OwnerSandbox Studio http://thesandboxstudioguam.comBy Nan Ducklow

Joane Egurrola’s life has been a series of amazing journeys. Her discoveries have been important, about herself and the things that are important to her. These journeys have been filled with disappointments, great pleasures, surprises, and ultimately self-fulfillment.

“I spent ten years working in luxury retail. I lived for the excitement in a fast paced, high fashion, luxury world industry. I loved the rush of the new season collections that produced amazing ‘must haves’ and cutting edge fashion. Although it was an exciting life, my heart was always elsewhere. I needed to believe I was contributing more towards the well being of people around me. I find success in helping others succeed. After walking away from my last job at Dior, I found a replacement in one of my staff. It was one of my greatest joys as a manager knowing that I helped groom an individual to a successful career.

As a passionate person and mixed media artist by heart, I started my new career by creating ‘CardsbyJoane’, which quickly evolved into an entire studio concept store now called ‘The Sandbox’.” Almost by default, she realized that her happiness at leaving her old lifestyle behind and her new found success came from helping others find and fulfill their creative potential. “I love the expression on people's faces when they realize they are really talented. Never under estimate yourself.

”Egurrola knows she is successful because she is happy, and more importantly, her employees are happy. “You really have to love what you do. I don’t get up to work everyday. I get up to play! As long as your employees have a sense of purpose and believe in what they are involved with, they will give you 100-percent. People are different and motivated by different things. It’s extremely important to understand your staff and know what works for them as individuals before you can lead; otherwise you will leave someone behind and form a weak link in your team.” She continued, “Balancing the welfare of employees and producing high levels of productivity is a challenge. It is important that employees are motivated, have clear goals, and constantly working with you to become the best in order to surpass their capacity.

I hire people with unique qualities, individuals that live with gusto and have a deep passion for what they do.”

This woman knows herself very well, accepts herself for who she is, and celebrates her special-ness. “Everyone who knows me knows that as a child I was a pure tomboy, then turned into a jock/cheerleader, turned pageant queen, turned high fashion guru, now turned artist. I have been called eccentric, eclectic, weird, loner and hard to understand. I love to live free, ever changing and exploring different aspects of who I am. My motto for life is Live Free,Love Much, Laugh Often,“

Guam is home to me. You can’t deny the beauty of Guam and it’s people. I feel so lucky to call Guam my home. Living here is like living in a beautiful postcard.” Even her description of her adopted home is artistic. Egurrola sees art everywhere. “There is so much talent on this island. I have met so many local artist and crafter that are just as passionate about their craft and they have inspired me beyond imagination. Thinking back, some of the fondest memories in my childhood were learning skills such as baking and crocheting from my mother. The most amazing woman I know is my Mother, who taught me the quality of your work reflects who you are as a person. It's amazing what you can do when you have others encouraging you to do your best and harvest those hidden talents. Passing on these skills and ethics to children are gifts of love. When it comes to art, it's not about right or wrong, it's about your personal expression and the emotions that are inspired viewing it.

”About Directions Magazine:Directions is an essential magazine to keep business people throughout the island connected. It also serves as a point of inspiration for those seeking motivation. It has everything you need. It’s straightforward, smart looking, with in-depth analytical stories on breaking business news delivered monthly.

Name:Joan P.EgurrolaPosition: Owner, The Sandbox StudioNature of Job:A Mixed-Media artist and owner of Sandbox Studio, teaching courses in crochet, various paper art, and painting.Best thing About Job: Helping others fulfill their creative potential. Working with children and being inspired by their outlook on life.Secret to Professional Success: You really have to love what you do. I don’t get up to work everyday. I get up to play! As long as your employees have a sense of purpose and believe in what they are involved with, they will give you 100%.Hiring Practices: I hire those with unique qualities, individuals that live with gusto and have a deep passion for what they do.Family: Parents: Jose and Amelita Egurrola, Siblings: Neil Egurrola (wife Geolyn Diaz) Children, Camerin, Maria , Jose Egurrola; She ila Kobayashi ( husband Ronald Kobayashi MD)Children, Troy and Aaron Kobayashi.Education: George Washington High School, Guam; Guam Community College, and University of Michigan.Community Involvement:Incoming member Soroptimists International of the Marianas.Last book Read (that helped or motivated you personally and/or professionally?) and Author:Ghost Soldiers by Hampton SidesWhen No One is Looking: I am doing my good deed of the day.As a Child: I was all tomboy. I would run the streets without a shirt, eat bugs, climb trees, play war games in the jungle, and play baseball on dirt streets. My brother would use me as a shooting target or a test pilot for his modified bikes, make shift Go-Carts and test the strength of tree branches. Every Sunday my Dad would take me and my siblings to Ypao beach to swim, I would drift in the water for hours.Biggest pet peeve: As a self-proclaimed “fixer”, I am loath to those who choose to dwell on worriment instead of moving forth to resolve the issue.Motto: Live Free,Love Much, Laugh Often,!


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